Beavers had a great time at their sleepover being super sleuths to find out who had stolen the missing treasure & how to get it back. They had to crack the coded messages & use invisible ink & candle writing to find the answers. Luckily they solved the puzzle & managed to unlock a case of treasure including marshmallows & biscuits to make s’mores!
After a singsong around the fire they toasted their marshmallows & made some popcorn before heading indoors for hot chocolate, storytime & bed.
Saturday morning came round fast & after a hearty breakfast Beavers continued their codebreaking activities & did some Beaver pixel art. They finished with a scavenger hunt & another coded puzzle finding orienteering checkpoints.
For 5 of our Beavers this was their first night away with us They all really enjoyed it & can’t wait to go again!. Huge thanks to Avon (Anna) for organizing it & to the team for giving up part of their weekend.
Well done Beavers!